Sunday, October 14, 2007

Out of Hand Artists

artists salontop, l. to r.: Carlynne Hershberger, Kelli Money Huff, Jessica Miller, moi, Mary Verrandeaux, Moe Hahn. bottom: Lorna L. Effler, Nancy Moskovitz, Merrill Anderson, Margaret Watts, Jackie Shindehette

Direct your attention to the above photo to view an incredible group of accomplished artists. Some are published authors, some are internationally renown, all are multi-talented. And all are intensely working it, showing up at the easel daily, studying, networking, marketing - ever vigilant to new opportunities.

Discipline and dogged perseverance are the ingredients to a successful formula. Showing up where needed when required. Paying attention to the subtle whispers of direction manifesting from unlikely places.


Nancy Moskovitz, artist said...

Hi Sharon. I got on the computer this morning and your blog was in my google alerts. This is the first time I am seeing the photo! Thank you for posting it and promoting OOHA. The photographer, whose name I can't recall was amazing.

Sharon Crute said...

Nancy, I can't remember his name either and Jessi Miller even e-mailed it to me but it got deleted. Jessi, if you read this, please post his name for credit - he is wonderful!