As I engaged in my intense plein air project last summer, I made note of several subjects I wanted to revisit. Due to extreme time constraints, some days were slap-dash and left me feeling frustrated. I was especially drawn to this back-lit fence of white bandages - promising myself that I'd go back to it with care and intention.
Bandage Laundry, 8"x10" oil on panel, plein air |
It's the perimeter of what's called the wash rack, as in horses, not laundry. Horses are bathed in this fenced-off, concrete designated area after their morning workout, and when all have been tended to, the rack is cleaned and the laundry (including saddletowels and other misc. pieces) are hung to dry.
Rudy's Saddletowels, 5"x7", oil on panel |
My studio interpretation would not be possible without the plein air studies. I've read over and over about these little paintings informing the studio works of accomplished artists and now I finally understand the concept. For instance, if I relied strictly on my photo reference, the shadows would be much darker due to the contrasting nature of photographs. I can't tell you how often I stood still and stared at the backside morning light taking in all the nuance and glory and making mental notes. It's no wonder I attracted so many
inquisitive looks and head shaking!
Track Laundry, 18"x24", oil on canvas, studio |
This was a joy to paint. First, because of the realization of how deeply the Oklahoma stable area has impressed itself upon my psyche, but also because I love the random dance of the bandages in the light and the breeze.
Tidy whities,