Thursday, September 03, 2015

Day 28 - Forty Paintings in Forty Days

I'm going for thirty paintings in forty days and I think that's worth patting myself on the back. Just two more after today. However, I'm embarking on a marathon studio painting session tomorrow for a client - leaving the weekend to finish up. I think I'll make it.

Fatigue is setting in for both Michael and I. The days have been insufferably long but I'm always amazed at what can be accomplished with dogged fortitude. My brain shuts down before my body which seemingly switches to autopilot without me.

It was difficult to concentrate today. This spot had a picnic table that I left out to focus on the light and shadows. In the background is a building, probably a dorm, and a wash rack. The fence is the remnant of the old, old track.

Shade, 9"x12" oil on canvas

It occurred to me today that I've painted 28 quick draw pieces without the luxury of time.The smaller panels (5"x7", 8"x10") take 1-2 hours and the 11"x14" are 2-3 hours. That's it. There are too many demands to keep this summer freight train running efficiently. Plein air is a process and not necessarily an end result although there are plenty of artists who are great at this. Now that I've given myself this self-taught crash course, I'm curious about how I'll apply all I've learned to slower, calmer days when I can return to tweak and highlight the next day.

It will be good to spend a day in the studio,

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