Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just a Social Butterfly

obsFriday I drove out to OBS to watch the two-year-olds breeze. This use to be a mandatory requirement for buyers, but now the videos are available online, on your cell, on your ipod, whatever. Technology changes everything. Birdsong and morning sunshine not included.

Saturday night I attended a party for Ocala's soon-to-be-twinned city Newbridge, Ireland at the Hilton. I asked - sister city and twin city are the same. I forgot to ask if we could be assigned more than one, therefore, San Rossore, Italy hangs in the balance. Regardless, the Irish are the most enjoyable people to party with in the entire free world. Tomorrow morning ushers in the official ceremony of "twinning". Then it's off to the races at OBS.

Relief news: Michael and I are on the guest list for the Darley party at Golden Ocala. Duh, it's Monday night, not Sunday as I previously assumed.

If this humor be the safety of our race, then it is due largely to the infusion into the American people of the Irish brain.” - William Howard Taft


Anonymous said...

Busy season here as well. Hardly a minute to write, blog, paint or clean.
But looks like you had time to put a new banner on your masthead.
Is it?
It's astounding to me how you can get multiple animals to be proportionate to themselves and each other.
Rip it up in season, for soon it will be over.

Sharon Crute said...

Bonnie: Well, now I know what caused your absence from blogdom. Miss you.

Boring banners be gone.

Working it indeed. Although I affirm my success, it won't be won easily without a tremendously exhaustive effort. To make it all the sweeter.

Sleep is highly overrated, yes?