Friday, August 22, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

It's been a challenge to get any work done this past few days even though I love to paint on rainy days. The power has gone off, on again, off, on again, repeatedly. Today I threw up my hands, closed the studio and caught up on some reading. Have you ever noticed that it only takes a quick electrical blip to screw up all the clocks in the house?

tropical storm fayAbove is the view out my studio door this afternoon. It's been mostly a rain event in Ocala, albeit relentless, probably going on about 48 hours straight and hard. I wanted to wander over to OBS but, yes, the weather can keep you home. The sale was dismal anyway.

hurricanesI think the ditch may crest this evening. Thankfully, the house is built up about three feet. Only my studio is at ground level and Michael has attended to that with boards and caulking. So far so good.

You don't need to pray to God any more when there are storms in the sky, but you do have to be insured.” - Bertolt Brecht

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