Gallery East:

Marion Cultural Alliance:
Then it was off to the Marion Cultural Alliance in Ocala for their exhibit "Shades of Green".
Then it was off to the Marion Cultural Alliance in Ocala for their exhibit "Shades of Green".

"Every artist ought to be an exhibitionist." - Egbert Oudendag
Sharon, this was an excellent and thoughtful post. You are a wonderful advocate for Marion County arts in addition to being a fabulous artist.
Wise woman, creating your own emphasis on positive news and art patronage.
It's a good time for all of us to turn off the TV news streams and create a different focus.
One person at a time, the listing of the ship can change.
Impressive, what you've been doing for marketing your own vibrant, excellent art.
Keep on.........
Thanks Nancy & Bonnie! I always appreciate your comments.
If there was ever a time for artists to be supportive of each other, it's now more than ever. Solidarity will enable us to overcome the challenges of the economy and accomplish our goals, both individually and as a group.
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Anon: thank you so much for taking the time to 1)read so deeply into my blog, and 2)provide encouragement to continue writing this sometimes personal journal, sometimes boring practical essay. I often wonder if anyone ever reads my posts and now you've confirmed yes, someone hears me out there! Bless you...
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