Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Gift Item

Always on the lookout for the next widget to facilitate marketing my artwork and getting it "out there" to more and better venues, we were referred to this company that produces lampshades from fine art.

lampshadeMichael ordered an image of "Amateur Trials" on a small lampshade to test-market. He also ordered a larger floor lampshade, however we must shop for an appropriate fixture to display. The company provided this lamp base which is a simple, clean-lined design. It enhances the artwork rather than competing and size proportion works well.

gift itemI used a low-wattage CFL bulb which fit the bill perfectly. I'm quite please with the product. We presented it to several venues here in Ocala today and received rave responses with one retailer wanting to order a dozen immediately.

"Advertising moves people toward goods; merchandising moves goods toward people". - Morris Hite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sharon- this would be a stunning addition to someones' home and totally unique. Much more long lasting than a t-shirt and so very elegant.

I wish you great success with your trial run and bet there's a re-order in your future.

Wonderful idea and very clever marketing of an image that already exists.