Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Catching Up on a Dark Day at Saratoga

We're almost two weeks into the race meet here at Saratoga.

For my artists peeps: imagine working a weekend art festival times six weeks. It's a challenging grind but worth every minute. Double the pleasure as Michael and I attempt to keep the studio open during normal visiting hours. It's amazing what can be accomplished with determination and drive. The trick is to stay healthy by eating well (not easy for Michael) and getting enough sleep (not easy for Sharon). Fourteen to sixteen hour days are the norm.

My little riddle book is selling a bit. I haven't had the time to properly promote it but think I'll have a better chance come the holidays. We've received a positive review on Amazon.com where you can also purchase via the link on the sidebar to the right. A reminder: I'll be at the National Museum of Racing on August 23rd signing copies from 10am to 1pm.

I managed to finish the artwork for the program cover of the 2012 Inaugural Steeplechase Festival at Saratoga a few days before the meet began. Posters are available. Here's the original painting followed by the poster designed by graphic artist extraordinaire Maria Miller here in Saratoga:

So luvs, if you don't hear from me much this summer on this blog, know that I can be found by the horse path across from the jockey silks room at the Spa. I'm having the time of my life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy for you both -Julie