Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Greyhound Project

The new year has begun with this unusual project. Four fiberglass greyhound forms have sashayed  into my studio with a convincing swagger. Michael says they push their way out the door as it unlocks first thing in the morning to dash out and play vigorously in the snow. Not very responsive to his voice commands, eventually they return to warm themselves and fall into an elegant pose.

An unceremonious arrival...

the unveiling...

This is a fundraiser for greyhound rescue sponsored by a very responsible owner. Designs for the forms require a good deal of research and as I learn more about these noble hounds, I'm falling in love with them. If I were so inclined to adopt, it would be one of these endearing pooches. Alas, I'm not in a position for dog ownership, but if you are...consider the amazing greyhound.

Here's the template provided by cowpainters.com, designers and fabricators of a myriad selection of fiberglass forms for private and community art projects

I'll be sharing my designs and progress with the project. If you're interested, subscribe to receive updates delivered to your e-mail inbox (in the upper right column).


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